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BroadWing, Inc.
Ticker Symbol: BRW**     CUSIP: 111620100     Exchange: NYSE
* Symbol changed!! New symbol: CBB as of 5/27/2003
New Company Name: Cincinnati Bell, Inc.

Company's Online Profile
BUSINESS:  Broadwing Inc. is an integrated communications company comprised of Broadwing Communications and Cincinnati Bell. Broadwing Communications leads the industry as the world's first intelligent, all-optical, switched network provider and offers businesses nationwide a competitive advantage by providing data, voice and Internet solutions that are flexible, reliable and innovative on its 18,500-mile optical network and its award-winning IP backbone. Cincinnati Bell is one of the nation's most respected and best performing local exchange and wireless providers with a legacy of unparalleled customer service excellence and financial strength.
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Previous Ticker Symbol: CSN
Previous Name: Cincinnati Bell, Inc.
Large Cap Stock -   Market Value $1.1 Billion

Company's Online Information Links
HOME PAGE:     http://www.broadwing.com/
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Company's Online News Releases Go to News Releases
Online Company Profile Go to Online Profile

Company's Online SEC EDGAR Filings
Company's SEC EDGAR Filings Go to SEC Filings

Company's Email Address Links
Inv Rel Email Address mike.hemsath@broadwing.com
General Email Address broadwingwebmail@broadwing.com
Email Contact Form on Website Go to Email Form

Address and Phone Numbers
Address:   201 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Main Phone Number 513-397-9900
Fax Number 513-723-1893
Investor Relations   Mike Hemsath 800-345-6301
Toll Free Phone Number 800-276-2394
CEO - Kevin W. Mooney CFO - Thomas L. Schilling

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