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Vector Group Ltd
Ticker Symbol: VGR     CUSIP: 92240M108     Exchange: NYSE

Company's Online Profile
BUSINESS:  Vector Group is a holding company that through its subsidiaries, Liggett Group LLC and Vector Tobacco Inc., manufacture and market high quality cigarette products to adult smokers in the United States. Vector Group is also involved in the real estate business through its New Valley subsidiary. New Valley owns a 100% ownership interest in Douglas Elliman Realty LLC, which operates the largest residential real estate brokerage company in the New York metropolitan area. New Valley also holds investments in several significant real estate projects in California and New York.

Previous Ticker Symbol: BGL    Changed: 5/24/2000
Previous Name: Brooke Group Ltd    Changed: 5/24/2000
Large Cap Stock -   Market Value $ Million

Company's Online Information Links
HOME PAGE:     https://vectorgroupltd.com/
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Online Company Profile Go to Online Profile

Company's Online SEC EDGAR Filings
Company's SEC EDGAR Filings Go to SEC Filings

Company's Email Address Links
Email Address cclancy@sardverb.com

Address and Phone Numbers
Address:   4400 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, FL 33131
Main Phone Number 305-579-8000
Fax Number Not Available
Investor Relations   Columbia Clancy, Sard Verbinnen & Co. 212-687-8080
CEO - Howard M. Lorber CFO - J. Bryant Kirkland III

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