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U.S. Home & Garden Trust I, 9.40% Cumul Trust Preferred Securities
Ticker Symbol: UHG-A*     CUSIP: 90331U203     Exchange: AMEX
Security Type:   Trust Preferred Security
* Symbol changed!! New symbol: EZY-A as of 10/29/2003
New Company Name: Easy Gardener Products Trust I, 9.40% Cumul Trust Pfd Securities

QUANTUMONLINE.COM SECURITY DESCRIPTION:  U.S. Home & Garden Trust I, 9.40% Cumulative Trust Preferred Securities, liquidation amount $25 per share, guaranteed by U.S. Home & Garden Inc. (NASDAQ: USHG), redeemable at the issuer's option on or after 4/15/2003 at $25 per share plus accrued and unpaid dividends, maturing 4/15/2028, distributions of 9.40% ($2.35) per annum are paid monthly on the 15th day of each month to holders of record one business day prior to the payment date while the securities remain in book-entry form. The company has the right, at any time, to defer dividend payments for up to 20 consecutive quarters (but not beyond the maturity date). The trust's assets consist of the 9.40% Junior Subordinated Deferrable Interest Debentures due 4/15/2028 which were purchased from the company using the funds generated from the sale of the trust preferred securities. See the IPO prospectus for further information on the trust preferred securities by clicking on the ‘Link to IPO Prospectus’ provided below.
Cpn Rate
Ann Amt
Call Date
Matur Date
Distribution Dates 15%
Tax Rate
15th day of each month
Click for MW ExDiv Date
Click for Yahoo ExDiv Date

Go to Parent Company's Record (AERG)

Notes:  See prospectus filed 8/18/2003 regarding changes in relationship to the Easy Gardner Products buyout.

IPO - 4/15/1998 - 2.20 Million Shares @ $25.00/share.    Link to IPO Prospectus
Market Value $26.0 Million

Company's Online Information Links
HOME PAGE:     http://www.ushg.com/
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Company's Online SEC EDGAR Filings
Company's SEC EDGAR Filings Go to SEC Filings

Company's Email Address Links
Email Address info@ushg.com
Email Contact Form on Website Go to Email Form

Address and Phone Numbers
Address:   655 Montgomery Street, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94111
Main Phone Number 415-616-8111
Fax Number 212-245-4165
Investor Relations   Kevin McGraph 212-245-4577
Toll Free Phone Number Unknown
CEO - Robert Kassel CFO - Richard Kurz

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