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LaFayette Community Bancorp
Ticker Symbol: LFYC     CUSIP: 506080100     Exchange: OTCBB
Security Type:   Bank Holding Company

Company's Online Profile
BUSINESS:  LaFayette Community Bancorp, headquartered in Lafayette IN, is the bank holding company for Lafayette Community Bank, a community bank with two offices in Lafayette.

Micro Cap Stock -   Market Value $13.5 Million

Click for current LFYC price quote from the PINK SHEETS
Click for current LFYC price quote from the NASDAQ

Company's Online Information Links
HOME PAGE:     http://www.lafayettecommunitybank.com/
Company has NO investor information on their home page.
Company has NO Investor News on their home page.
Online Company Profile Go to Online Profile

Company's Online SEC EDGAR Filings
Company's SEC EDGAR Filings Go to SEC Filings

Company's Email Address Links
Email Address cdeford@lafayettecommunitybank.com

Address and Phone Numbers
Address:   2 North 4th Street, Lafayette, IN 47901
Main Phone Number 765-729-7200
Fax Number 765-429-7100
CEO - David R. Zimmerman CTL - Dennis R. Hardwick

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