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Ready Capital Corp., 6.20% Senior Notes due 7/30/2026
Ticker Symbol: RCB     CUSIP: 75574U408     Previous CUSIP: 75574UAA9      Exchange: NYSE
Security Type:   Exchange-Traded Debt Security

QUANTUMONLINE.COM SECURITY DESCRIPTION:  Ready Capital Corp., 6.20% Senior Notes due 2026, issued in $25 denominations, redeemable at the issuer's option on or after 7/30/2022 at $25.25 per note plus accrued and unpaid interest, and maturing 7/30/2026.

Interest distributions of 6.20% per annum ($1.55 per annum or $0.3875 per quarter) will be paid quarterly on 1/30, 4/30, 7/30, & 10/30 to holders of record on the record date that will be 1/15, 4/15, 7/15 & 10/15 respectively (NOTE: the ex-dividend date is one business day prior to the record date).

Distributions paid by these debt securities are interest and as such are NOT eligible for the preferential 15% to 20% tax rate on dividends and are also NOT eligible for the dividend received deduction for corporate holders.

The issuer may redeem for cash all or any portion of the Notes, on or after 7/30/2022 and before 7/30/2025, at a redemption price equal to 101% of the principal amount of the Notes to be redeemed, plus accrued and unpaid interest. On or after 7/30/2025 the issuer may redeem for cash at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount of the notes to be redeemed, plus accrued and unpaid interest.

Upon the occurrence of a Change of Control Repurchase Event holders of the notes may require the issuer to repurchase the notes at a repurchase price in cash equal to 101% of the aggregate principal amount of notes to be repurchased, plus accrued and unpaid interest (see prospectus for further information).

Units are expected to trade flat, which means accrued interest will be reflected in the trading price and the purchasers will not pay and the sellers will not receive any accrued and unpaid interest.

This security was not rated by Moody’s or S&P at the time of its IPO. This security was rated BBB by Egan-Jones Ratings Company. The Notes are unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of the company and will rank equally with all existing and future unsecured and unsubordinated indebtedness of the company. See the IPO prospectus for further information on the debt securities by clicking on the ‘Link to IPO Prospectus’ provided below.

Cpn Rate
Ann Amt
Call Date
Matur Date
Distribution Dates 15%
Tax Rate
1/30, 4/30, 7/30, & 10/30
Click for MW ExDiv Date
Click for Yahoo ExDiv Date

Go to Parent Company's Record (RC)

IPO - 7/18/2019 - 2.00 Million Shares @ $25.00 /share.    Link to IPO Prospectus

Company's Online Information Links
HOME PAGE:     https://readycapital.com/
Company's Investor Relations Information Go to Investor Relations Information
Company's Online News Releases Go to News Releases
Online Company Profile Go to Online Profile

Company's Online SEC EDGAR Filings
Company's SEC EDGAR Filings Go to SEC Filings

Company's Email Address Links
Email Address InvestorRelations@readycapital.com
Email Contact Form on Website Go to Email Form

Address and Phone Numbers
Address:   1251 Avenue of the Americas, 50th Floor, New York, NY 10036
Main Phone Number 212-257-4600
Fax Number Not Available
Investor Contact 212-257-4666
CEO - Thomas E. Capasse CFO - Andrew Ahlborn

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